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Heroes of the New School is a Superhero Brand that focuses on Graphic Novels and eventually Digital Games.

Within our Universe exist a world known as the Earth Alpha Planet. Earth Alpha Planet is a world not too different from our own… However, as interdimensional and intergalactic threats eventually present themselves, the Earth Alpha Planet will witness the rise of a new age where superheroes and villains will emerge.

Heroes of the New School represents a New Generation of Superheroes who focus on support, advocacy, and hope for their families, communities, and society. Most Heroes of the New School have stories yet to be told and can be found fighting wars in the shadows. To be a Hero unsung requires Dedication and Courage. People who work towards a greater good without recognition, contribute to a foundation built on Honor and High Moral Character.

The inspiration for Heroes of the New School comes from everyday people who make real differences in people’s lives.

If you are the type of person who does the right thing even when no one is looking, then you are a Hero of the New School. Integrity, Charisma, Courage, and Class. In a world of vanity, hopelessness, and fear… Recognize Your Power… Complacency and despair can feel like an illness felt primarily by its possessor. To be the balance and the difference, it is important to maintain a sense of discipline, character, strength, and enthusiasm. When the burden gets heavy know that your calling can and will be realized… Be the Light, and recognize the Hope and Healing within You…


Welcome to the Heroes of the New School…


Character Spotlight.

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Project Phantom

Project Phantom- Stefon Cooke is a Geometry Teacher at Crenshaw Skills and Trade School. One night while traveling home Mr. Cooke sees one of his students being followed by two men. Choosing to exit his vehicle, Mr. Cooke attempts to confront these men and is shot while his student escapes with her life. While laying Mr. Cooke is retrieved by Mandla son of the Sangoma. As Mr. Cooke’s life slowly fades the Sangoma uses the Flow to transcend Mr. Cooke’s body turning him into Project Phantom.

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Helen 5.0

Helen 5.0 is an S5 Agent from the United Kingdom. Specializing in hand-to-hand combat, weapons training, and espionage. Helen is equipped with a variety of weapons, gadgets, and vehicles at her disposal. Helen works for a Ghost Division of Interpol known as the Queensland. Queensland is a unit that focuses on espionage, international, and cybersecurity. As an agent of Queensland Helen 5.0 has dealt with a variety of criminals from terrorist organizations to weapons and drug cartels. Agents of Queensland often work alone but are supported by a pit crew which consists of tech and weapons support. When Helen 5.0 has an encounter with a mercenary who appeared to have special abilities. Helen knew that her world as a Secret Agent had expanded into something unfamiliar.

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Legato- Allen Perez is a college student from Los Angeles California. One day while traveling home Allen sees a friend of his approach his car franticly asking for a ride. Realizing that his friend is actually fleeing the police in the area. Allen hesitates to help but chooses to do so anyway. Speeding down the street catches the attention of other patrol cars who try to pull Allen over. Choosing not to pull over fearing his friend would be captured, Allen speeds off. As a high-speed pursuit commences Allen who is now arguing with his friend loses control of his vehicle and crashes off a bridge into the ocean. Drowning and sinking Allen reaches and grips a Living Water Crest that allows him to manipulate Hydrogen and blast out of the water. Waking up the next morning near the beach Allen struggles to understand how he got to this point.

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Gunner Armada

Gunner Armada is a DeWaah from the Fallen Planet Shrygonne. The DeWaah are dense blue humanoids with the ability to merge with tools and weapons. Originally named Kwantoo, Kwantoo was a fisherman and a former Soldier of Shrygonne. After Shrygonne was invaded by the WarLox, Kwantoo was forced to reenlist into the planet’s depleted military. Due to the sheer devastation of the WarLox, Kwantoo launches a last ditch effort to save himself and his family. Moments away from his own death he is rescued by a Godlike Being who turned him into Gunner Armada.  

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Madelyn Harris is a heavy metal artist from Old Town Florida. Madelyn sings and plays guitar for a heavy metal rock band but in recent weeks she had been having dreams of a child asking her for help. One night after a performance she sees a physical manifestation of the child and follows her. As the child runs into some woods Madelyn follows after her and sees some mysterious beings following after them. Choosing to protect the child, Madelyn begins to swing her guitar while the child creates a mysterious portal. As the beings begin to attack Madelyn, she is forced to follow the child into another dimension. Within this dimension, Madelyn learns that the child is actually a princess whose father King Kwon was on the losing end of a power struggle. Choosing to align herself with King Kwon, Madelyn protected the Princess until she was stabbed by a Moon Dagger. As King Kwon’s Shaman struggle to save Madelyn they were shocked to find out that the tip of the Moon Dagger is stuck inside of Rose and has altered her body giving her special abilities.

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Detective Cogent

Detective Cogent- Alexander Cogent is a 7 year veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department. One day while out on patrol Cogent receives a dispatch call about an active shooter at a conference. When Detective Cogent arrived at the scene, he learned about a security malfunction that left the doors shut. Choosing to break through the doors, Cogent and a few officers rammed through the doors making their way inside. As Cogent and the other officers made their way to the top floor they encountered the active shooter that ended being a cyborg known as Ballistic who immediately opened fire. Engaging Ballistic in a gun battle, the weapons used by Detective Cogent and the other officers were ineffective causing the other officers to be killed in action. When Detective Cogent was moments away from being blasted by Ballistic, Project Phantom jumped in and save his life. After Ballistic was defeated and knocked off of a building, Detective Cogent began to investigate Merger International.